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http://www.100md.com 2017年2月19日 《医学信息》 2017年第7期
     摘要:目的 通过对2011~2015年苏州大学附属第二医院在中国科技论文期刊和SCI期刊上论文发表情况的汇总统计,了解和分析医院科研现状,为科研决策的制定提供参考依据。方法 以CNKI中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库及Pubmed数据库为依据,运用文献计量法对2011~2015年发表的论文进行统计分析。结果 苏州大学附属第二医院2011~2015年共發表论文2648篇,其中SCI文章516篇(19.49%),核心期刊1030篇(38.90%),统计源期刊501篇(18.91%),其他期刊601篇(22.70%);这5年期间SCI文章数量增加了3.54倍,总影响因子增加了4.86倍,平均影响因子增加了0.29倍;2648篇文章中,中、高级职称的人撰写了2074篇,博士、硕士撰写了1702篇。结论 2011~2015年发表论文总数保持平稳,SCI论文数大幅增长,中文论文的质量也有所提高,高级职称和高等学历技术人员为主要发文群体。建议医院管理层继续优化各种激励政策和措施,加大青年技术骨干的支持力度,促进科室间科研能力均衡发展。

, 百拇医药
    Statistics and Analysis of Papers Published by the Second

    Hospital Affiliated to Suzhou University in 2011~2015

    DUAN Zhi-qing,WANG Li-quan

    (Science and Education Department,the Second Hospital Affiliated to Suzhou University,Suzhou 215004,Jiangsu,China)

    Abstract:Objective Through 2011~2015 years in the Second Hospital Affiliated to Suzhou University Chinese scientific paper journals and SCI journal published papers summarize the status quo of the research,understanding and analysis of the hospital,to provide reference basis for the scientific decision-making.Methods CNKI China Journal Full-text Database,Wanfang database and Pubmed database as the basis,using the method of literature metrology 2011~2015 published papers were analyzed.Results The Second Hospital Affiliated to Suzhou University during 2011~2015 a total of 2648 papers,of which 516 articles of SCI(19.49%),core journal 1030(38.90%),the statistical source journal 501 (18.91%),other journal 601 (22.70%);the 5 year the number increased by 3.54 during the SCI article times,the total impact factor increased by 4.86 times,the average impact factor increased by 0.29 times;in the 2648 article,intermediate and senior professional titles who authored 2074,doctoral and master authored 1702. Conclusion 2011~2015 and the total number of published papers remained stable,substantial growth in the number of SCI papers,the quality of the Chinese also increased,and higher education senior professional and technical personnel as the main document recommended hospital management group.Continue to optimize various incentive policies and measures,strengthen youth technical backbone to support efforts to promote the balanced development of the inter department scientific research ability.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words:Hospital;Papers;Statistical analysis

    科技创新在卫生与健康事业改革发展中具有核心的地位,医院专业人员发表的科技论文既是科研成果和学术研究的重要载体,也是反映其创新能力和学术研究水平的重要标志,更是衡量一个医院临床、科研工作的重要指标[1]。其中,高影响力论文更是集中表现了高水平的科研成果,越来越引起科研人员与科研机构的重视。科学引文索引(Science Citation Index,SCI)是目前世界上公认的最具权威性、可靠性、学术性的数据库,SCI论文的发表愈来愈成为衡量各大高校和科研机构科研水平和奖惩的一个重要指标[2]。本文统计和分析了苏州大学附属第二医院2011~2015年医学论文的发表情况,较为客观地反映了医院科研论文产出的能力,为医院科研管理部门了解本单位科研发展的速度和水平提供参考,夯实了医院科技相关档案中的科研论文总结性材料,并为医院管理层评价医院科研能力、制定管理政策、整合各项资源提供客观依据。, http://www.100md.com(段智卿 王礼泉)
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