摘 要:目的 研究二孩时期通过优化孕妇学校课程设计对孕妇认知行为的影响。方法 选取2016年9月~2017年2月在我院产前检查建立围产期保健档案并自愿参加孕妇学校健康教育的200例孕妇为对照组,选取2017年3月~8月在我院产前检查建立围产期保健档案并自愿参加优化孕妇学校课程设计健康教育的200例孕妇作为观察组。比较两组孕妇掌握围产期保健知识、分娩方式及纯母乳喂养情况。结果 观察组对围产期保健知识掌握为优的比例大于对照组,观察组自然分娩率、纯母乳喂养率均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在二孩时期,通过优化孕妇学校课程设计可促进孕妇对围产期知识的掌握,提高自然分娩及纯母乳喂养率。
中图分类号:R473.71 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.14.055
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To study the effect of optimizing pregnancy school curriculum design on cognition and behavior of pregnant women during the two-child period.Methods 200 pregnant women who set up the perinatal health care archives in our hospital in September 2016-February 2017 and volunteered to attend the health education of pregnant women as the control group,200 pregnant women who established the perinatal health care file and volunteered to optimize the curriculum design of pregnant women's school curriculum from March to August 2017 were selected as the observation group.The knowledge of perinatal health care,mode of delivery and exclusive breastfeeding were compared between the two groups.Results The observation group had a better proportion of perinatal health knowledge than the control group.The natural delivery rate and exclusive breastfeeding rate of the observation group were higher than the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion During the two-child period, the optimization of pregnant women school curriculum design can promote the knowledge of perinatal knowledge of pregnant women, and improve the rate of natural childbirth and exclusive breastfeeding.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Pregnant women’s school;Curriculum design;Two-child;Investigation and study
1.1一般资料 选取2016年9月~2017年2月在我院产前检查建立围产期保健档案并自愿参加孕妇学校健康教育的200例孕妇为对照组,孕妇年龄19~39岁,平均年龄(26.91±3.50)岁,高中以上文化158例。选取2017年3月~8月在我院产科门诊产前检查建立围产期保健档案并自愿参加孕妇学校新型课程设计健康教育的200例孕妇作为观察组,孕妇年龄21~41岁,平均年龄(27.20±2.61)岁,高中以上文化162例。两组孕妇的年龄、文化程度比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。
, http://www.100md.com
1.2.1问卷调查 掌握不同文化背景及期望值孕妇的需求,针对其个体化需求,开设各类课程,做到课程设置分层进行。
1.2.2教学团队 提高团队素质,教师具有丰富的临床经验,良好的表达能力,均为高年资医护人员。专人管理孕妇学校,做好资料收集、整理及宣教工作。
1.2.3 教学方式 通过讲授、多媒体教学、实践性操作等多种形式,利用健康手册、图片、医院微网、电脑官网平台、推荐阅读书籍等多种渠道。
1.2.4教学内容 课程分必修课及选修课。必修课的主要内容有孕期保健、体重管理、心理卫生;产前检查、产房介绍、分娩过程;入院准备、母乳喂养、新生儿护理及预防接种;产后康复及心理调适。选修课有分娩镇痛(无痛分娩、导乐分娩、自由体位应用、穴位贴敷止痛) 拉玛泽减痛呼吸法、口腔卫生、运动瑜珈操等。, http://www.100md.com(熊丽 吴琴 张秀华)
中图分类号:R473.71 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.14.055
, 百拇医药
Abstract:Objective To study the effect of optimizing pregnancy school curriculum design on cognition and behavior of pregnant women during the two-child period.Methods 200 pregnant women who set up the perinatal health care archives in our hospital in September 2016-February 2017 and volunteered to attend the health education of pregnant women as the control group,200 pregnant women who established the perinatal health care file and volunteered to optimize the curriculum design of pregnant women's school curriculum from March to August 2017 were selected as the observation group.The knowledge of perinatal health care,mode of delivery and exclusive breastfeeding were compared between the two groups.Results The observation group had a better proportion of perinatal health knowledge than the control group.The natural delivery rate and exclusive breastfeeding rate of the observation group were higher than the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion During the two-child period, the optimization of pregnant women school curriculum design can promote the knowledge of perinatal knowledge of pregnant women, and improve the rate of natural childbirth and exclusive breastfeeding.
, 百拇医药
Key words:Pregnant women’s school;Curriculum design;Two-child;Investigation and study
1.1一般资料 选取2016年9月~2017年2月在我院产前检查建立围产期保健档案并自愿参加孕妇学校健康教育的200例孕妇为对照组,孕妇年龄19~39岁,平均年龄(26.91±3.50)岁,高中以上文化158例。选取2017年3月~8月在我院产科门诊产前检查建立围产期保健档案并自愿参加孕妇学校新型课程设计健康教育的200例孕妇作为观察组,孕妇年龄21~41岁,平均年龄(27.20±2.61)岁,高中以上文化162例。两组孕妇的年龄、文化程度比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。
, http://www.100md.com
1.2.1问卷调查 掌握不同文化背景及期望值孕妇的需求,针对其个体化需求,开设各类课程,做到课程设置分层进行。
1.2.2教学团队 提高团队素质,教师具有丰富的临床经验,良好的表达能力,均为高年资医护人员。专人管理孕妇学校,做好资料收集、整理及宣教工作。
1.2.3 教学方式 通过讲授、多媒体教学、实践性操作等多种形式,利用健康手册、图片、医院微网、电脑官网平台、推荐阅读书籍等多种渠道。
1.2.4教学内容 课程分必修课及选修课。必修课的主要内容有孕期保健、体重管理、心理卫生;产前检查、产房介绍、分娩过程;入院准备、母乳喂养、新生儿护理及预防接种;产后康复及心理调适。选修课有分娩镇痛(无痛分娩、导乐分娩、自由体位应用、穴位贴敷止痛) 拉玛泽减痛呼吸法、口腔卫生、运动瑜珈操等。, http://www.100md.com(熊丽 吴琴 张秀华)