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http://www.100md.com 2020年4月23日 《医学信息》 202016
     摘要:目的 探讨网络环境下安徽省医务工作者网络问卷调查参与度及其影响因素。方法 于2019年11月1~30日采用网络发布、邮件发送、朋友圈发送及现场调查的方式对安徽省全省医务工作者进行医学情报需求问卷调查,记录问卷回收率、各市问卷填报情况,不同医院级别、不同医院类别、不同工作身份、不同学历问卷回收情况,分析安徽省医务工作者调查参与度的影响因素。结果 共回收有效问卷1506份,总回收率为94.89%;不同性别问卷提交率差异较小(男51.86% vs 女48.14%),各市问卷提交率中以宿州最高(31.14%),合肥次之(23.64%),池州最低(0.46%);医院类别以市级公立医院为主(42.50%),县级公立医院次之(28.95%),社区或乡镇卫生院最少(3.12%);医院类别以三级医院为主(65.47%),工作身份中以临床医生为主(58.23%);学历构成中以本科生为主(61.16%)。结论 安徽省医务工作者网络问卷调研参与度存在明显的地域差异,医院级别、医院类别、工作身份和学历均可能影响网络问卷调查回复率。


    Abstract:Objective To explore the participation and influencing factors of the online questionnaire survey of medical workers in Anhui Province under the network environment.Methods From November 1-30, 2019, a questionnaire survey of medical workers in Anhui Province was conducted by means of online publishing, email sending, friend circle sending, and on-site surveys. The questionnaire recovery rate and the status of questionnaire filling in each city were recorded, and different hospital levels,different types of hospitals, different job identities, and different educational background questionnaires, analysis of the factors affecting the participation of medical workers in Anhui Province.Results A total of 1056 valid questionnaires were collected, with a total recovery rate of 94.89%; the difference in the submission rate of questionnaires between different genders was small (male 51.86% vs female 48.14%). Among the cities, the submission rate of questionnaires was highest in Suzhou (31.14%), followed by Hefei ( 23.64%), the lowest in Chizhou (0.46%); the main category of hospitals was municipal public hospitals (42.50%), followed by county-level public hospitals (28.95%), and community or township health centers were the least (3.12%); mainly in tertiary hospitals (65.47%), the work status was mainly clinicians (58.23%); the education composition was mainly undergraduates (61.16).Conclusion There were obvious regional differences in the participation of medical workers in the online questionnaire survey of medical workers in Anhui Province. Different hospital levels, hospital types, work status and educational background may affect the response rate of the online questionnaire survey.

    Key words:Network;Participation;Response rate;Medical workers

    問卷调研是目前应用广泛的资料收集方法,适用于社会各个领域,通过问卷调查可以收集特定人群对于某个特定问卷或产品的态度、认识或观点[1]。随着网络技术的高速发展,电子问卷调查因其经济、快捷、高效的特点运用日益广泛,接受度逐渐升高,并可提供真实可靠的数据[2]。然而,调查低参与率和样本覆盖率偏差问题已成为影响网络调查结果有效性的两个主要原因,进而直接影响网络调查结果的有效性[3]。有研究显示[4],受访者的信任因素是影响网络调查受访者信任的因素,进而影响网络问卷收回率。另有研究显示[5],网络调研中物质激励在提高回复率方面并不具有国外相关研究中提出的决定性作用,相反,被调查者参与网络调查最主要的因素在于其对所调查内容的兴趣;而导致回复率过低的原因在于网络安全性缺乏、调查问卷设计不合理等。医务工作者因其工作的特殊性,关于其网络问卷回复率影响因素的研究相对较少。本研究分析本次安徽省大数据背景下医学情报需求与服务研究调研问卷回复率及其可能的影响因素,旨在为更好的完成医务工作者的问卷调研提供参考,现报道如下。, http://www.100md.com(崔月婷 胡欣 时小莹)
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