1 Cleland JG,Daubert JC,ErdmannE,etal.Theeffect of cardiac re synchronization onmorbidity and mortality in heart fail-ure.Nengl J Med,2005,352(15):1539.
2 SwedbergK,Clel and J,DargieH,etal.Guide-lines for the diagnosis and treatment ofchronic heart failure:Executive summary(up date2005).The Task Force for the Di-agnosis and Treatment of Chronic HeartFailure of the European Society of Car-diology.EurHeartJ, 2005,26:1115.
3 Grines CL, Bashore TM,Boudoulas H,eta.lFunctional abnormalities in isolatedleft bundle branch block.The effect ofinterventricu-larasyncbrony.Circulation,1999, 79:845.
4 PrinzenFW, Hunter WC,Wyman BT,etal. Map-ping of regional myocardial strain andwork during ventricular pacing:Experi-mental study using magnetic resonanceimaging tagging.JAm Coll Cardio, 11999, 33:1735.
5 Ukkonen H,Beankinds RSB,Burwash IG,etal.Effect of cardia c resynchronization onmyocardial efficiency and regional ox-idative metabolism.Circulation, 2003,107:28.
6 Nishimura RA,Hayes DL, HolmesDRJ, eta.l Mechanism of hemodynamic improvement bydualchamber pacing for severe left ven-tricular dysfunction:An acute Dopplerand catheterization hemodynamic study.JAm Coll Cardio,11995,25:28.
7 Auricchio A,Ding J,Spinelli Jc,etal.Car-diac resynchronization therapy restoresoptimal atrioventricular mechanical tim-ing in heart failure patients with yen-tricular conduction delay.JAmColl Cardi-ol,2002, 39:1163.
8 St John Sutton MG,Plappert T,Abraham WT,etal.Effect of cardiac resynchroniza-tion therapy on leftventricular size andfunctionin chronic heart failure pa-tients.Circulation,2003,107:1985.
9 Auricchio A,Fantoni C, Regoii F,etal.Characterization of left ventricularactivation in patients with heart fail-ure and left bundle branchblock.Circu-lation,2004,109(9):1133.
10 Madrid AH,Diaz MM,Cervantes CE, etal.[Usefulness of brain natriuretic pep-tide to evaluate patients with heartfai lure treated with cardiac resynehro-nization].Rev Esp Cardiol,2004,57(4):299.
11 Vural A,Agacdiken A,Ural D,etal.Effectof cardiac resynchrozation therapy onleft atrial reversere model ingand spon-taneous contrast.TohokuJExpMed, 2004,202(2):143.
12 邱春光,黄振文,心脏再同步化治疗心力衰竭的现状及存在的问题,中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志,2006,20(1):88.
13 郭继鸿,右心室双部位起搏,中华心律失常学杂志,2000,4(3):225—227.
[ 上 页 ], 百拇医药(马 军 赵明中)
1 Cleland JG,Daubert JC,ErdmannE,etal.Theeffect of cardiac re synchronization onmorbidity and mortality in heart fail-ure.Nengl J Med,2005,352(15):1539.
2 SwedbergK,Clel and J,DargieH,etal.Guide-lines for the diagnosis and treatment ofchronic heart failure:Executive summary(up date2005).The Task Force for the Di-agnosis and Treatment of Chronic HeartFailure of the European Society of Car-diology.EurHeartJ, 2005,26:1115.
3 Grines CL, Bashore TM,Boudoulas H,eta.lFunctional abnormalities in isolatedleft bundle branch block.The effect ofinterventricu-larasyncbrony.Circulation,1999, 79:845.
4 PrinzenFW, Hunter WC,Wyman BT,etal. Map-ping of regional myocardial strain andwork during ventricular pacing:Experi-mental study using magnetic resonanceimaging tagging.JAm Coll Cardio, 11999, 33:1735.
5 Ukkonen H,Beankinds RSB,Burwash IG,etal.Effect of cardia c resynchronization onmyocardial efficiency and regional ox-idative metabolism.Circulation, 2003,107:28.
6 Nishimura RA,Hayes DL, HolmesDRJ, eta.l Mechanism of hemodynamic improvement bydualchamber pacing for severe left ven-tricular dysfunction:An acute Dopplerand catheterization hemodynamic study.JAm Coll Cardio,11995,25:28.
7 Auricchio A,Ding J,Spinelli Jc,etal.Car-diac resynchronization therapy restoresoptimal atrioventricular mechanical tim-ing in heart failure patients with yen-tricular conduction delay.JAmColl Cardi-ol,2002, 39:1163.
8 St John Sutton MG,Plappert T,Abraham WT,etal.Effect of cardiac resynchroniza-tion therapy on leftventricular size andfunctionin chronic heart failure pa-tients.Circulation,2003,107:1985.
9 Auricchio A,Fantoni C, Regoii F,etal.Characterization of left ventricularactivation in patients with heart fail-ure and left bundle branchblock.Circu-lation,2004,109(9):1133.
10 Madrid AH,Diaz MM,Cervantes CE, etal.[Usefulness of brain natriuretic pep-tide to evaluate patients with heartfai lure treated with cardiac resynehro-nization].Rev Esp Cardiol,2004,57(4):299.
11 Vural A,Agacdiken A,Ural D,etal.Effectof cardiac resynchrozation therapy onleft atrial reversere model ingand spon-taneous contrast.TohokuJExpMed, 2004,202(2):143.
12 邱春光,黄振文,心脏再同步化治疗心力衰竭的现状及存在的问题,中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志,2006,20(1):88.
13 郭继鸿,右心室双部位起搏,中华心律失常学杂志,2000,4(3):225—227.
[ 上 页 ], 百拇医药(马 军 赵明中)