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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月15日 《中国社区医师》 20142

    摘 要 近年来,由于中国人口老龄化,老年性痴呆发病率越来越高。该病起病较为隐匿,所以早期症状不容易被发现。因此社区的医护人员科学合理地安排老年人的晚年生活,了解相关的健康保健知识,做到早预防、早发现、早治疗、早护理,就会给老年人一个高质量的晚年生活。

    关键词 老年性痴呆 社区 早期识别

    Early recognition and nursing of Alzheimer Disease in community

    Yang Liping,He Xiaohua

    Combine traditional Chinese and western medicine branch hospital of Neimenggu Baogang hospital,014010

    Abstract In recent years,as aged tendency of population in our country,the incidence rate of Alzheimer Disease is increasing.Because the disease onset is hidden,so early symptoms are not easy to be found.Therefore the community doctors and nurses scientifically and reasonably arrange the later life of elderly people ......

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