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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月22日 《中国社区医师》 20143

    摘 要 目的:探讨胆囊切除术后综合征(PCS)的病因及诊治方法,从而加以预防。方法:收治单纯胆囊切除术后发生PCS患者42例,分析并总结临床资料。结果:造成42例患者发病的原因:23例胆道内因素,9例胆外因素,5例精神因素,5例病因不明;再次手术15例,非手术保守治疗27例。结论:PCS病因复杂,术前全面检查和术中仔细探查是防止其发生的关键,经内科处理或手术后随时间的延长,大部分病人症状逐渐减退、消失,部分残留胆道结石患者需进一步手术治疗(决定是否手术的原因是结石残留)。

    关键词 胆囊切除术后综合征 病因 治疗 预防

    Postcholecystectomy syndrome analysis of 42 cases

    Ling Jiwen,Zhao Yanmei

    Department of general surgery in Anding District of Dingxi City Second People's Hospital of Gansu province,743011

    Abstract Objective:To study the cause of after cystic resection syndrome(PCS)and make a diagnosis and give treatment methods,so as to prevent it Methods:from January 2008 to January 2013,42 cases of clinical data for PCS in the aftermath of the simple cholecystectomy were analyzed.Results:42 cases of biliary tract itself factors accounted for 23 cases of biliary 9 cases of outside factors ......

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