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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月22日 《中国社区医师》 20143

    摘 要 目的:了解医学生志愿者对服务实施情况的满意度及对活动的建议。方法:通过半开放式问卷,对52名医学生志愿者进行问卷调查。结果:50%的医学生志愿者对此次活动的评价为很好,23.1%的志愿者则认为稍有不足,认为在医学生志愿者管理与培训、明确志愿者工作范围和义务等方面应进行相应改进。结论:应加强医学生志愿者的管理与培训,明确医学生志愿者的服务内容和义务,发挥医学生志愿者的特长,将医学生志愿者服务社会与医学人才培养相结合。

    关键词 医学生志愿者 满意度 调查

    Analysis on the Satisfaction of Medical Students about the Volunteer Service

    Wan Qijiang,Hou Weiwei

    Xinjiang Shihezi city People's Hospital,832000

    Abstract Objective:To study the satisfaction of medical students about the volunteer service and suggestions for activities.Method 52 volunteers of medical student were surveyed with semi-open questionnaires.Results:50% of medical students considered the volunteer service was very good.23.1% considered it was poor.They maintained that there should be appropriate improvements on aspects of volunteer management and training of medical students and clear scope of work and volunteer obligations.Conclusion:We should strengthen the management and training of volunteer medical students and make it clear about medical students volunteer services and obligations.Volunteer medical students specialty is implemented ......
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