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http://www.100md.com 2014年1月29日 《中国社区医师》 20144

    摘 要 对1例房间隔修补术后无休止房性心动过速进行射频消融治疗,取得较好的临床效果,总结如下。

    关键词 房间隔修补术 房性心动过速 射频消融

    1 case of constant atrial Heartbeat tachycardia after atrioseptopexy treated with radiofrequency ablation

    Chen Yangang,Ding Yanhua

    Department of Cardiology of Liangzhou Hospital of Wuwei City,Gansu province,733000

    Abstract 1 case of constant atrial Heartbeat tachycardia after atrioseptopexy treated with radiofrequency ablation achieved better clinical results.The case was summarized.

    Key words Atrioseptopexy;Atrial Heartbeat tachycardia;Radiofrequency ablation


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