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http://www.100md.com 2014年3月19日 《中国社区医师》 201411

    摘 要 目的:改良宫腔填塞在剖宫产术中因子宫收缩乏力引起的产后出血应用中的效果观察。方法:收治行剖宫产术患者216例,采用回顾性资料分析方法。结果:采用宫腔填塞法止血,控制剖宫产术中因子宫收缩乏力引起的产后出血,明显减少了此类患者术中出血量。结论:改良宫腔填塞是一种有效可行的抢救措施,能起到明显的止血作用。

    关键词 剖宫产 子宫收缩乏力 产后出血 改良宫腔填塞

    Application of improved packing in uterine cavity in cesarean section

    Guo Lingli

    The Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Wen County,Henan 454850

    Abstract Objective:To observe the effect of application of the improved packing in uterine cavity in cesarean section with postpartum hemorrhage because of uterine atony.Methods:216 patients with cesarean section were selected ......

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