【摘要】 目的:了解支气管哮喘持续状态的治病诱因及治疗方法。方法:通过对72例支气管哮喘患者的临床研究、分析,来了解此病的发病机制,及临床上治疗支气管哮喘只需状态的方法,总结此病的治疗经验。结果:经过系统的治疗,72例患者中有30例显效,34例有效,无效果为8例,且所有病例治疗中,无一人死亡。结论:支气管哮喘多为嗜酸细胞、肥大细胞反应为主,临床上针对支气管哮喘持续状态,做到及时合理的用药及有效通气,可有效提高此类病人治疗效果。【关键词】 支气管哮喘 持续状态 病因 治疗 研究
【中图分类号】 R562.2【文献标识码】 B【文章编号】 1007-8231(2011) 08-0801-02
72 cases of bronchial asthma with status
【Abstract】 Objective: The treatment of bronchial asthma with status incentives and treatment. Methods: 72 patients with bronchial asthma clinical research, analysis, to understand disease pathogenesis, and clinical status on the treatment of bronchial asthma only way to sum ??up experience in the treatment of disease. Results: After the system of treatment, 72 patients, 30 cases markedly effective, 34 cases were effective, no effect of 8 cases, and treatment in all cases, no one died. Conclusion: Bronchial asthma, mostly eosinophils, mast cells in response to the main clinical condition continued for bronchial asthma, so that timely and reasonable and effective ventilation of medication, can effectively improve the treatment of such patients. ......
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