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http://www.100md.com 2010年4月1日 《中国民族民间医药·下半月》 2010年第4期



    The Adverse Reactions of Anti-Infective Agents

    Lily Shang, Nanjing 1st Hospital, affiliated 1st Hospital,Nanjing Medical University

    Qinggui Zhu, Nanjing 1st Hospital, affiliated 1st Hospital, Nanjing Medical University

    【Abstract】:Objects:To help the clinical doctors understand the adverse reactions of the anti-infective agents so as to promote the proper usage of them, and also to ensure the safety,effectiveness and rationality of the administration of the drug. Method:To revise the associated materials and to summarize the adverse reactions and clinical hazard of the anti-infective agents, such as hypersensitivity reactions, toxic reactions, specific reactions, double infect, and such adverse reactions caused or aggravated by drug combinations.Result:The prevention and control of the adverse reactions of the anti-infective agents can be realized. The clinical care shall be enhanced during the usage of the so said agents. Conclusion:The clinical doctors shall place more importance on the Adverse Reactions of Anti-Infective Agents. ......
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