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http://www.100md.com 2020年5月1日 《中国民族民间医药·下半月》 202005
     【摘 要】 癌性发热是恶性肿瘤治疗中常见并发症之一,隶属于中医“内伤发热”范畴。“阴火”一词起源于《黄帝内经》,历代医家学者对其解释不一。通过研习金元医家李东垣的“阴火”学术思想,同时结合导师李艺主任医师丰富的临床经验,浅析“阴火”理论在癌性发热治疗中的认识及应用。

    【关键词】 癌性发热;恶性肿瘤;阴火

    【中图分类号】R2-0 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2020)10-0007-02

    Abstract:Cancerous fever is one of the common complications in the treatment of malignant tumor, belonging to the category of fever by internal injury in TCM. The word “yin fire” originated from the Huang Di Nei Jing, and medical experts and scholars had different explanations for it in the past dynasties. Through studying the “yin fire” academic theory of medical scholar Dongyuan Li and combining with the clinical of chief physician Yi Li ......

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