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关键词:糖尿病 高压氧 治疗及护理
Diabetes full high pressure oxygen treatment and nursing
Wang FengYuan Yonghui
Abstract:Diabetes much see fully in obese or grown-up also the course of an illness long diabetes patient,its performance has many kinds of,the intermittence limps after the early performance stop walks or the rest may alleviate,along with the condition development,the lower limb lacks the blood to aggravate,does not walk also has the ache,limits in the foot or the full far-end,much worse,finally develops at night for the extremity ulcer gangrene.The high-pressured oxygen treatment may enhance the diabetes full ulcer the recovery rate,my branch from 2005-2010 year admitting diabetes full patient 12 examples,effectiveness reaches 92%.
Keywords: DiabetesHigh pressure oxygenTreatment and nursing
【中图分类号】R47【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1879(2010)11-0077-01
1 资料与方法
王春秀等12例糖尿病并发糖尿病皮肤溃疡者行高压氧治疗,其中男8例,女4例,年龄40-66岁,根据病程长短及皮肤溃疡面大小分为2组;病程长(10年以上)溃疡面100cm2以上为a组 ......