[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2009)03-0374-02
Prevention of enamel demineralization in orthodontic treatment with
application of fluoride vanish
ZHANG Chao1,WU Jun2
(1.Department of stomatology,Yingtan City Chinese medicine hospital,Yingtan 335000,Jiangxi,China;2.Department of Orthodontics,Hospital of Stomatology,Nanchang University)
Abstract: Objective Discussion fluoride vanish in the orthodontic treatment on enamel demineralization inhibitory effect. Methods Study divided into two groups,experimental group in the bonded bracket, the after etching a thin layer evenly coated fluoride vanish,30 seconds after using adhesive resin bonded brackets.The control group when bonded brackets without making other treatment. Then 6 months after treatment to observe the situation of two groups of enamel demineralization. Results Experimental group of enamel demineralization was significantly lower than the control group. Conclusion The fluoride-vanish on the orthodontic treatment of enamel demineralization has significant inhibitory effect. ......
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