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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月15日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第6期


    [中图分类号]R782.2 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)06-0125-03
, http://www.100md.com
    Abstract: Objective To explore the safety and aesthetic effect of mandibular angle plasty with natural mandibular angle morphology by preserving the vertex of mandibular angle to support the soft tissue of lower face. Methods From January 2006 to December 2016, 126 patients with hypertrophied mandibular angle in authors’ department underwent the preoperative design according to the front and lateral appearance and the surface location of the vertex of mandibular angle. The resected bone volume was calculated according to the three-dimensional CT. Through the intraoral approach, a repeated small quantity bone removal was performed, retaining the supporting point of mandibular angle and the natural morphology. Postoperative effects and complications were observed and analyzed. Results All incisions were primary healed, no complications such as infection, mandibular neural tube injury and double angle deformity occurred. Temporary unilateral lower lip hypoesthesia occurred in 5 cases and all recovered in 3 months. During the 1 to 3 years follow-up, all the patients were satisfied with postoperative results including the significantly narrowed width of lower face, the clear contours of mandibular angle and the smooth and natural facial contours. Conclusion Mandibular angle plasty could correct the hypertrophied mandibular angle safely and effectively by preserving the supporting point of mandibular angle and the natural morphology.The postoperative morphology and physiological function are well restored with satisfactory results.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words: hypertrophied mandibular angle; vertex of mandibular angle; 3 dimensional(3D) CT; osteotomy; mandibular angle defects

    下颌角肥大导致下面部过宽,使女性面部轮廓曲线丧失流畅感,因此,很多患者寻求行下颌角成形术来改善下面部形态[1-2]。然而,各种不恰当的下颌角截骨术(或者切除术)使很多就医者下面部缩窄的同时失去自然的下颌角,术后出现双角畸形、轮廓不自然、下颌角凹陷等不良后果[3-4]。下颌角肥大固然影响美观,但下颌角缺失与畸形则在不美观的同时还丧失其正常生理功能[5]。另外,有些患者虽然下面部较宽,但并非下颌角原因,因此,盲目切除易带来不良后果。下颌角是下颌骨的一部分,有其独有的生理功能。同时,清晰的下颌角骨质顶点支撑软组织形成体表下颌角标志点,形成自然流畅的侧面线条。一般情况下,美观的下颌角顶点在体表的标志位于耳垂下方2~3cm。因此,寻求一种保留下颌角完整形态与生理功能的下颌角成形术,可使患者变美的同时要有效防止术后缺角畸形。, http://www.100md.com(高占巍 陈波 吉恺)
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