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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第7期


    [中图分类号]R622 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)07-0001-03
, http://www.100md.com
    Abstract: Objective To discuss and summarize the good aesthetic effect of remodeling the nasal tip with autogenous ear cartilage in synthetic rhinoplasty. Methods 635 patients who required comprehensive rhinoplasty in our hospital form June 2015 to June 2017 were selected as research subjects. The patients were treated with synthetic rhinoplasty. The fist,they were remodeled the nasal tip by unilateral autogenous ear cartilage implantation. Meanwhile, prosthesis augmentation rhinoplasty were accepted. And then, they were adjusted the nosewings. Results All 635 patients were followed up for 3 months to 2 years, most of all cases were satisfied with the cosmetic effect, the nose looks beautiful and natural. One patient was occurred postoperative infection after 2 months, One patient’s nose was obviously skewed and two cases with nasal tip too long were all adjusted and corrected for 6 months after the surgery, and finally achieved good results. The area healed were well and the auricle shapes were not changed significantly. Conclusion It can achieve good correction effects of the most suitable for the aesthetic anatomical features using autogenous ear cartilage to reshape the framework of defective nose, and combined with the nasal prosthesis rhinoplasty, eventually obtaining relatively perfect aesthetic nose.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: synthetic rhinoplasty; autogenous ear cartilage; nasal tip; remodeling; augmentation rhinoplasty


    1 临床资料

    选择笔者医院2015年6月-2017年6月收治的635例行鼻综合整形术的就医者为研究对象,存在如鼻背低平、鼻头塌陷、鼻翼两侧不对称、鼻孔外露、鼻头肥大、鼻小柱过短等症状,所有就医者术中都采用单侧耳软骨修整鼻头。其中,男39例,女596例;年龄18~52岁;初次手术者496例,二次手术者139例,二次手术者主要为原先曾行单纯假体隆鼻手术,保留鼻中隔软骨未行综合鼻整形手术者。手术主要采取柳叶形假体隆鼻+单侧耳软骨+鼻头调整,其中195例辅以宽鼻缩窄术,286例辅以鼻翼缩小手术,同时行宽鼻缩窄手术+鼻翼缩小手术者108例。, http://www.100md.com(叶丽萍 赵天兰)
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