第1页 |
【关键词】流动人口; 母婴保健; 调查问卷
【中图分类号】R173 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2010)07-0264-02
Investigation on maternal health care among the mobile population in city of Guangzhou
Zhang Jun1 Chen Li2 Gong Shipeng1△
【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the awareness rate of the women who have the knowledge of maternal health care among the floating population. Methods:26 migrant women wererandomly detected with questionnaire about the knowledge of maternal health care in city of Guangzhou China. Results:(1)The correct rate about the the knowledge of maternal health care among these women is rank from 45.8% to 94.5%,and the highest correct rate among these questions is that “while you are in pregnant , you should go to the hospital for the examinations” , but the rate of the question that the first examination should be performed earlier than 3 months after your are in pregnant is very low.(2)The awareness rate is associated with the income and the education level . but it has no direct relation with the career, marital status and the number of the children.(3)Making propaganda education in the community is the favourable type to spread these knowledge. Conclusion:the awareness rate of the knowledge mentioned above is low among the migrantwomen in city of Guangzhou and is associated with the income , education level , we should making good propaganda education .
【Key words】floating population;mother and infant health;questionnaire
1 对象和方法
1.1 对象:以非广州市户籍但妊娠期间不间断住在广州市、年龄18~35岁的流动育龄妇女为研究对象 ......