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http://www.100md.com 2010年2月1日




    【中图分类号】R47 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2010)08-0009-02

    Causative Analysis and Its prevention Countermeasures on Nursing Defects of 493 cases of clinical medicine. 

    Shi Huibi Huang Kaiqun

    【Abstract】Objectives:To analyze relative factors occurred in nursing defects and formulate preventive measures, so that nursing defecs could be nipped in the bud and prevent the occurrence of medical mistakes and accidents. Methods: We analyzed 493 cases of internal medicine nursing defects outside medication occurred in 2009 according to classification of nursing duties,nursing records writing,basic nursing care and medical order processing; and compared situation of nursing defects according to different schedules, different working years and different titles. Results: Nursing defects occurred from high to low order was nursing duties, nursing records writing,basic nursing care and medical order processing;The order from high to low according to schedule was day shift,night shift,evening shift;According to working years was within 5years,within 10 years,more than 10 years;The order from high to low according to titles was nurse,nurse prapractitioner,nurse-in-charge. Conclusions: Advocating prevention first, Strengthening nursing defects management, rational allocation and use of nursing human resources, giving standardized training to low seniority nurses, rigorous implementation of the duties,systems and operating procedures, etc., which could effectively prevent or eliminate the occurrence of nursing defects.

    【Key words】Nursing defects; Causative analysis;Prevention countermeasures


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料:我院护理部根据广西壮族自治区卫生厅下发的《护理缺陷分类及评定标准》(试行)统一制定《护理缺陷管理报告表》,此表分《护理差错事故报告表》及用药以外的《护理缺点报告表》;形成护理部-科护士长-病区护士长三级护理安全监控网络 ......
