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http://www.100md.com 2010年2月1日




    【中图分类号】R781.1 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2010)08-0051-01

    A study of caries treatment with improved Carisolv caries removal technique in remote areas

    Zhang Jinglei Guo Canliang Xue Guomin

    【Abstract】Objective:To study the effects of caries treatment with portable dental drill and Carisolv technique, and find a appropriate methods to caries control in remote areas. Methods:196 cases of teeth with caries in a remote military unit, based on non-invasive and minimal invasive methods, were applied with portable dental drills, Carisolv tools and gel to remove caries, then filled with light-cured composite resin.All cases were followed up for one year. Results: Portable dental drill and Carisolv technology was carried out smoothly in remote areas. Success rate at 3,6,12 months after treatment were 98.5%, 97.4%, 95.4%. Conclusions: Portable dental drill combined with Carisolv caries removal method is suitable for treatment dental caries, and it is an ideal, safe, effective and convenient new technology for caries control in remote areas.

    【Key words】caries; Carisolv technique; portable dental drill; composite resin; remote areas


    1 资料和方法

    1.1 临床资料:驻闽某部153名男性官兵,196例牙,年龄18~36岁,后牙龋坏175例,前牙21例,均无牙髓尖周病变。因调学、转业等因素部分患者无法随访的没计入。

    1.2 材料与器械。材料:伢典凝胶(MediTeam Dental AB生产,深圳赛维生物技术有限公司提供);3M光固化复合树脂及专用氢氧化钙材料。器械:便携式光固化机;便携式牙科电钻配弯机头;Carisolv手工器械及、光固化充填器械和必要的钻头、抛光轮。所用器械通过戊二醛浸泡消毒灭菌

    1.3 治疗方法:先检查龋变部位,洞口小或隐蔽不好操作的龋洞用电钻去除部分硬组织,挖除软龋,将Carisolv凝胶混合注入龋洞,确保所有龋坏部分完全被凝胶浸湿,可见凝胶逐渐由无色透明变为浑浊;30s后用工具作旋转刮挖运动,清除腐质;如窝洞内龋坏组织尚未清理干净,可再放入凝胶重复刮除,直至再入凝胶不再浑浊为止,对龋活跃性低的牙用慢速球钻打磨窝洞内壁少许。生理盐水冲洗窝洞,吹干、隔湿、75%酒精消毒、干燥窝洞,用牙本质处理剂处理窝洞10s,若有明显刺激症状可用氢氧化钙垫底,不用酸蚀涂粘结剂,光固化树脂充填,光照固化,电钻调合,抛光。

    1.4 疗效评定标准。成功:①充填体完好或充填物部分缺损小于05mm,不需重补;②无牙髓尖周疼痛症状,无咬物不适;③无继发龋失败:①充填体脱落或缺损大于0 ......
