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http://www.100md.com 2011年2月1日 刘学丽 范雪春 杨艳



    【关键词】心理干预; 子宫切除术 ;围手术期


    Hysterectomy in patients with perioperative treatment of psychological intervention

    Liu Xueli Fan Xuechun Yang Yan

    【Abstract】Objective:The theme of psychological intervention on patients undergoing hysterectomy,the effect of operative treatment.Methods:The 300routine hysterectomy were randomly divided into intervention and control groups, 150 patients in each group, The control group carried out according to the traditional surgical care. Psychology in the intervention group on this basis before and after surgery in patients with psychological intervention, a way to survey two groups were compared the fear of surgery, treatment with the degree of satisfaction of patients and their families after discharge from hospital anxiety and so on. Results:Psychological intervention group compared with the control group, Fear of patients before surgery, treatment with the degree of postoperative, satisfaction with treatment after discharge, the anxiety of the sexual life significantly different; Statistically significant (P<0.01).Conclusions:Implementation of psychological interventions can effectively reduce the loss of patients due to the emotional impact of the uterus barriers to ensure safe operation, improve the quality of life.

    【Key words】Psychological intervention; hysterectomy; perioperative


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 患者情况:以2010年1月~2010年12月大连医科大学附属二院妇产科于行子宫切除术患者429例中选取300例子宫切除患者。随机分为心理干预组150例患者,年龄23~70岁,文化程度不等,已婚144例,其中无子女9例,未婚6例。多发性子宫肌瘤73例,子宫腺肌病25例,卵巢癌23例,功血5例,恶性葡萄胎6例,子宫颈癌8例,绒毛膜上皮细胞癌5例,子宫体癌5例。对照组150例。年龄26~73岁,文化程度不等,其中已婚142例,无子女11例,未婚8例。多发性子宫肌瘤61例,子宫腺肌病38例,卵巢癌22例,功血4例,恶性葡萄胎7例,子宫颈癌7例,绒毛膜上皮细胞癌5例,子宫体癌6例 ......
