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Hong Whirlpool with 56 cases of contact and iodine treatment, large areas of old treatment and care of pressure sores
Jia Qiao Li Baiyu
【Abstract】Objective:To summarize the 56 cases of treatment and care of pressure sores. Methods:were used two groups of debridement, infection control, anti-inflammatory, topical dressings, and contact Whirlpool Kang and iodine, together with dietary regulation of life and local intensive care. Results:of 56 cases of pressure sore treatment and care through the rational, observing 27 patients were cured 3 months, (1 case transfer surgery), treatment time is short, the effect is good, the average cost of 2,000 yuan for external use. Control group, 28 patients were cured for 13 months, the treatment time is long, better, the average cost of 1,170 yuan for external use. Two other nursing complications did not occur. Conclusion:bedsores Seoul by Kang Hui hydrogel dressing (debridement and plastic), hydrocolloid dressing (ulcer paste), hydrocolloid dressings (transparent paste) a short treatment time effect, greatly reduce the suffering of patients. Two other nursing complications did not occur.
【Key words】pressure sores; treatment;nursing
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料:将患者随机分为观察组和对照组各28例,男52例、女4例、年龄78-102岁、平均83岁,偏瘫50例,下肢骨折8例。诊断为大面积褥疮,面积(5.5-15cm)×(6-16)cm2,并发肢体受压部溃烂,骶尾部褥疮44例,骶尾部与髋关节联合褥疮12例。
1.2 典型病历:我科于2008年5月收治102岁老人陈××,××干休所的休干。病因:5月24日晚间不小心摔倒,致右股骨颈骨折,急诊入科。查体: 骶尾部瘙痒抓破结痂3.0×3.5cm,创面为黑紫色,因需行皮牵引 ......