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http://www.100md.com 2011年2月1日 余宏 高春芳 郭茂林 郭维亚 朱杏莉 张伯英





    Magnetic Resonance Imaging Anatomy of the External Anal Sphincter

    Yu Hong Gao Chunfang Guo Maolin et al.

    【Abstract】Objective:The aim of this study was to identify the normal anatomy of the external anal sphincter on magnetic resonance images. Methods:T1-weighted turbo spin-echo images of anal midsagittal section, anal midcoronal section and 4 anal oblique transverse planes were obtained with a body coil in 60 normal volunteers (30 men and 30 nulliparous women, aged 19-25 years) at rest in the supine position. Results:The u-shaped puborectalis existed in the plane of the lower pubic symphysis, urethra, prostate/vagina and anorectal junction. The v-shaped deep sphincter existed in the plane of the ischiopubic ramus and the upper anal canal. The oval-shaped superficial sphincter arose from the coccyx and embraced the mid and lower anal canal. The varus-annular subcutaneous sphincter was below the anal canal. The 3 external sphincter muscle bundles were separated by their fatty intermuscular septa. Conclusions:The external anal sphincter has 3 separate muscle bundles of the deep, superficial and the subcutaneous sphincter, and the puborectalis was not intermingled with the deep sphincter.

    【Key words】External anal sphincter; Puborectalis; Anatomy; Magnetic resonance imaging


    1 研究对象与方法


    采用1.5 T磁共振机(Novus1.5 ......
