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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月1日 《中国美容医学·综合版》 2011年第3期
     (武汉大学中南医院眼科 430071)

    【摘要】目的: 探讨小眼球小睑裂畸形的手术整形方法。方法: 对14例小眼球小睑裂畸形患者采用外眦开大成形、Medpor义眼台植入、结膜囊成形三联手术,一次手术成形。结果: 随访一年,睑裂宽度增加5mm,结膜囊宽敞,义眼配戴满意,术后外观明显改善。结论: 对小睑裂畸形的患者运用三联术,术式简单,整形效果满意。


    Treatment for the malformations of small eyeball and small palpebral fissure

    Luo Hong Dai HanJun

    【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the operation reshaping strategy of of themalformations of small eyeball and small palpebral fissure.Method 14 eyes(14 cases) of malformation who accepted the surgical treatment including the porous polyethylene (PP)orbital implant(Medpor) after evisceration, outer canthal expanding,and conjunctival sac forming were retrospective analyzed.ResultFollow up for one year ......
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