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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 陈靖 陈玉琴 何捷


     【摘要】目的:加强重症监护病房(Intensive Care Unit ICU )的基础护理,为患者提供优质的护理服务, 创建“优质服务示范病房”。方法:对川北医学院附属医院重症医学科危重患者按入住时间先后分为对照组78例和实验组82例,对照组按常规进行临床护理和监测,其部分基础护理工作,包括床上擦浴、洗头、修剪指甲、更换床单、呼吸机管道的消毒等由护工协助完成,实验组领导层加强低年资护士的基础护理技术操作培训,患者的基础护理,包括晨间护理、晚间护理、卧位护理、压疮预防护理、卧床患者更换床单、生命体征监测、呼吸机管道的消毒等各项护理由他们完成,对两组患者及家属的满意度、患者并发症的发生率、基础护理的质量等方面进行比较。结果:两组患者及家属的满意度、基础护理质量、患者并发症的发生率方面有差异(P<0.05), 实验组明显优于对照组。结论:由低年资护士实施基础护理,增进了护士的专业情感,提高ICU患者治愈率,降低并发症的发生,提高患者及家属的满意度,为患者提供主动、安全、优质、满意的护理服务。


    【中图分类号】R47 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2011)12-0067-02

    The Clinic Effect of Implementing basic nursing by Junior nurses in ICU

    Chen Jing Chen Yuqin He Jie

    【Abstract】Objective:To Strengthen the basic nursing in ICU,in order to provide better care for the patients and create “The Demonstrated Unit of Qualified Services”.Methods:We divided the patients who come into our department into two groups by time,the control group had 78 patients and the experimental group contained 82 patients. The control group were treated as usual ,so some basic nursing were completed with the help of Care Workers,such as bathing shampooing in the bed 、trimming tails 、Changing the bed linen、the disinfection of ventilator tube and so on;By contrast, the experimental group’s basic nursing were all carried out by the junior nurses.Then,we compare the Satisfaction of the patients and their family members、the incidence of complications in patients、the quality of basic nursing and so on ,between the two groups .Results:The experimental group appeared higher Satisfaction and better basic nursing and lower incidence of complications, the difference was statistically significant(p<0.05) .Conclusion:Implementing basic nursing by Junior nurses themselves could not only improve their Professional feelings but also do better to the patients.

    【Key words】ICU;basic nursing;Clinical observation

    重症监护病房( ICU) 作为现代化医院中收治急危重症及多脏器衰竭病人的特殊专科,而且只是短期集中监测治疗可能挽救生命的病人,其内配备有专业的医护人员及各种可能得到的最先进的医疗监测和治疗手段,其护理工作量可占整个医疗机构的30%〖1〗,基础护理是护理工作的重要组成部分,近年来,由于诸多原因,临床上基础护理质量出现滑坡现象〖2〗


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