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http://www.100md.com 2008年3月1日 《中华中医药学刊》 2008年第3期
     摘 要:近年来,我国中医药工作者研究痛风性关节炎做了大量工作,并取得了一定的成果。从病因病机研究、临床研究、实验研究3个方面综述了痛风性关节炎的研究进展。





    Advancement of Traditional Chinese Medical Study on Gouty Arthritis

    QIAN Wei-dong1,QIAN Xiao-qi2

    (1.Changzhou Municipal Wujin Hospital of TCM,Changzhou 213161,Jiangsu,China;

    2.Shenzhen Municipal Second People's Hospital,Shenzhen 518035,Guangdong ,China)

    Abstract:Recently,workers in charge of traditional Chinese medicine do a lot of work in the researches on gouty arthritis and acquired much achievement.The review is about research progress of etiological factors and pathogenesis,the clinical and experimental research of gouty arthritis.

    Keywords:gouty arthritis;Chinese medicine treatment;research progress

    痛风是嘌呤代谢紊乱和(或)尿酸排泄减少而致血尿酸增高引起的一种临床综合征 ......

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