摘 要:心理的本体是元神和个人模式的整体,中医心理学的研究不能离开本体研究。个人模式是社会和教育背景的结果。中医心理学结合生物学和现代心理学可以得到某种程度的发展。关键词:元神;基因组;个人模式;整体;中医心理学
Discussion on Biotic Mechanism of TCM Psychology
BI Jing-feng1,LIU Jia-qiang2,WANG Mi-qu2
(1.Shandong Univesity of Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250014,Shandong,China;
2.Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu 610075,Sichuan,China)
Abstract:The psychic noumenon is the whole of congenital Shen and the personality frame ,the research of TCM psychology does not depart from noumenon . The personality frame is result of society and education . The development of TCM psychology can be obtained by combining with modern biology and psychology.
Keywords:congenital Shen;genome;personality frame;whole;TCM psychology
自从王米渠先生1980年在《成都中医学院学报》发表“中医心理学说初谈”后 ......
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