摘 要:失重导致的骨质丢失是影响航天员生命安全及航天任务执行的严重问题。拟深入挖掘祖国医学理论,从天人相应、五行生克制化等角度展开思考,探讨失重骨质丢失的中医学病机演变,为进一步研究合理有效的中医药辨治做出理论铺垫。关键词:失重;骨质丢失;中医学;病机
Discussion of Traditional Chinese Midicine Pathogenesisof Weightlessness Induced Bone Lose
ZHOU Peng,HU Shumin,GAO Xuemin,ZHANG Jianjun,TONG Haiying,FU Qian,YANG Jia
(Preclinic Medical College,Beijing Univrsity of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China)
Abstract:Weightlessness induced bone lose,a serious problem in spaceflight,is dangerous to astronauts, as well as the mission progression. In this paper, the pathogenesis of bone lose induced by weightlessness exposure is discussed in the sight of itraditional Chinese midicine theory of correspondence between human and universe, and inhibition and generation between five elements. This work is wished to be a base of further study of TCM therapy in weightlessness induced bone lose.
Keywords:weightlessness;bone lose;traditional Chinese midicine;pathogenesis
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