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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月1日 宣丽华 虞彬艳 高宏 戴朝富 张海峰 徐福 李雪珍 邱昌民


     摘 要:目的:通过多中心的临床研究客观评价粗针神道穴平刺和传统针灸两种方法对面神经炎的疗效。方法:采用随机、对照、多中心的方法进行临床研究,共240例患者随机分成粗针平刺组和传统针刺组,以改良Portmann临床简易评分法及House-Brackmann分级量表为观察指标,进行比较,并将两组样本总体和各中心的痊愈率进行统计学处理、分析比较,同时进行安全性、依从性评价。结果:实际完成病例230例,其中粗针平刺组116例,传统针灸组114例。粗针平刺组在改良Portmann临床简易评分、House-Brackmann分级及总体治愈率上均优于传统针灸组。该方法安全,依从性好。结论:粗针神道穴平刺治疗面神经炎疗效优于传统针刺方法,且简便,易行,无不良反应。


    中图分类号:R745.12 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1673-7717(2012)01-0018-03

    Multicenter Study on Therapeutic Effect of Thick-needle Treatment for Facial Paralysis

    XUAN Lihua1,YU Binyan1,GAO Hong2,DAI Chaofu3,ZHANG Haifeng1,XU Fu1,LI Xuezhen2,QIU Changmin3

    (1.Zhejiang Hospital of TCM, Hangzhou 310006, Zhejiang, China; 2.Qingtian Hospital of TCM, Qingtian 323900, Zhejiang, China; 3.Lanxi Hospital of TCM, Lanxi 321100, Zhejiang, China)

    Abstract:Objective:To evaluate the effect of thick-needle and traditional acupuncture treatment for peripheral facial paralysis via multicenter study.

    Methods:There were 240 patients of facial paralysis involved in this study. All the patients in the three center were enrolled on basis of unified diagnosis standards,including and excluding standards. The cases were randomized into two groups by serial number: think-needle group (control group) and traditional acupuncture group (treatment group). All the cases were evaluated by the indicators including House-Brackmann Scale and RPA index of facial symptoms pre-treatment and post-treatment. The theraputic effect between the two groups on facial paralysis were analyzed by the statistic method. Security and compliance of the treatments were also assessed.

    Results:230 patients remained in the research at the end,including 116 patients in the treatment group and 114 patients in the control group.The thick-needle group had a remarkable better effect than the tranditional acupuncture group on RPA index, House-Brackmann Scale and the total curative ratio. Security and compliance of the treatments were also good. ......
