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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月1日 《中华中医药学刊》 2012年第1期
     摘 要:经脉(穴)—脏腑相关是中医经络学说的重要内容,其理论核心在于揭示人体上下内外联系的规律。近年来,国内外许多学者从临床观察角度以及实验研究方面,就针剌腧穴对胃运动的影响和作用机理方面做了很多工作。并且现已证实针刺可通过影响外周及中枢中相关神经肽的含量来调节胃肠运动,中枢的某些部位及核团参与了这一过程。对近年对针刺腧穴对胃运动的影响和中枢神经核团与胃运动关系的研究总结。


    中图分类号:R245-0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-7717(2012)01-0128-04

    Progress of Research on Impact of Acupuncture for Gastric

    Motility and Relations Between Central Nervous System of Nuclei

    YAN Chunchuan1,LIN Yaping2,PENG Yan2,CHEN Ping3

    (1.Postgraduate Student of Hunan University of TCM,Changsha 410007,Hunan,China;

    2.Acupuncture-moxibustion and Tuina College,Hunan University of TCM,Changsha 410007,Hunan,China;

    3.Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of TCM,Changsha 410007,Hunan,China)

    Abstract:Meridians (points) - viscera correlation is the important part of Chinese meridian doctrine. The core of theory is that it reveals the law of the human body relations from top to bottom inside and outside. In recent years, Many scholars from the perspective of clinical observation and experimental research ......
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