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收稿日期:208-01-23, 百拇医药(侯丽颖 季幸姝 吕志平 贺松其 文 彬 蔡红兵)
[1] Zhang Y,Proenca R,Maffei M,et al.Positionalcloningofthemouseobe-segeneanditshumanhomologue[J].Nature,1994,372(6505):425.
[2] 王晓玲,刘 平,刘成海,等.拆方扶正化瘀方对肝细胞及肝星状细胞功能的影响[J].世界华人消化杂志,1999,7(8):663.
[3] Liu P, Liu Ch,Wang HN,et al.Effect of salvianolic acid B on colla-gen production and mitogen-activated-protein kinase activity in rat hepatic stellate cells[J].ActaPhannacol Sin,2002,23:733.
[4] Cao Q,Mak KM,Ren C,et al.Leptin stimulates tissue inhibitor of met alloproteinase-1 inhuman hepatic stellate cells:respective roles of the JAK/STAT and JAK-mediated H2O2-dependant MAPK path-ways[J].J Biol Chem,2004,279(6):4292.
[5] Potter JJ,Womak L,Mezey E,et el.TransdifTerentiation of rat hepatic stellate cells results in leptin expression[J]. BiochemBiophysRes Commun,1998,244:178.
[6] Kisseleva T,Bhattacharya S,Braunstein J,et al.Signaling through the JAK/STAT pathway,recent advances and future challenges[J].Ciene,2002,285:1.
[7] Wilks AF,Harpar AG.Cytokine signal transduction and the JAK fam-ily of protein tyrosinekinases[J].Bio Essay,1994,16(5):313.
[8] 刘晓燕,吕志平,张绪富,等.保肝宁对HSC中NF-kB影响的实验研究[J].陕西中医,2004,25(6):569.
收稿日期:208-01-23, 百拇医药(侯丽颖 季幸姝 吕志平 贺松其 文 彬 蔡红兵)