【摘要】目的:探讨人性化护理在精神病患者护理中的应用;方法:52例精神病患者随机分为人性化护理组及参照组,每组各为26例。参照组患者按常规给予基础护理和精神科专科护理,人性化护理组在参照组的基础上应用一系列的人性化护理措施。结果:两组精神病患者均没有发生自杀事件和其它重大事故,人性化护理组疗效显著,与参照组相比较差异性明显(P<0.05)。结论:精神科人性化护理的实施,实现了护理人员的人文关怀及人性化护理的服务宗旨,满足了患者及家属的需求,促进了患者疾病的康复,树立了良好的医院形象。 【关键词】精神科;人性化护理;应用Neurology department user friendly nursing application
【Abstract】Goal: Discussion user friendly nursing nurses in the psychopath the application; Method: 52 example psychopath divides into the user friendly nursing group and the reference group stochastically, each group each is 26 examples.The reference group patients give foundation nursing and the neurology department faculty according to the convention nurse, the user friendly nursing group applies a series of user friendly nursing measure in the reference group’s foundation.Finally: Two group of psychopaths have not had the suicide event and other significant accidents, the user friendly nursing group curative effect are remarkable, compares the difference obviously with the reference group (P[1],它对于精神病患者这一特殊群体,更加显得重要,近年来我院精神科积极开展人性化护理,取得了较好的效果,现就具体做法及取得的成效报告如下: ......
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