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http://www.100md.com 2010年6月1日 《心脑血管病防治》 2010年第3期

     中图分类号:R544.1 文献标识 码:A 文章编号:1009_816X(2010)03_0181_03

    The Influence of Antihypertensive Drugs on Arteriosclerosis in Elder Patients wi th Hypertension.ZOU Yu_chi, YU Hua, DU Xiao_hong, et al. The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzho u Medical College, Zhejiang 325000, China

    [Abstract] ObjectiveTo observe the alteration of arteriosclerosis in elder pati ents with hypertension who were treated by antihypertensive drugs.MethodsEight y elder patients with primary hyptertension were randomly divided into two group s. The patients in group A were given felodipine sustaind_release tablets five m illigram per day, and the patients in group B was given irbesartan 150 milligramper day. Brachial_ankle Pulse Wave Velocity (baPWV) was detected in all patient s before and after antihypertensive therapy three monthes. Eighty healthy volunt eers who were older than sixty years were served as control group.Results 1. Blo od pressure in both groups was lower after antihypertensive therapy. The systoli c pressure and pulse pressure decreased more in group B than those in group A (1 26.13±7.99 mmHg vs 131.38±5.23mmHg,P<0.01; and 55.23±9.57mmHg vs60.98±7.57mmHg, P<0.01). And also for the decrease of pulse pressure , t he patients ingroup B was more larger than that in group A (25.40±12.38mmHg vs 10.48±10 .41mmHg, P<0.01). 2. The Brachial_ankle Pulse Wave Velocity(baPWV) in eld er pa tien ts with primary hypertension was more higher than that in healthy volunteers(>60years healthy people) (1734.71±471.14cm/s vs 1435.01±211.69cm/s, P<0 .001). A fter antihypertensive therapy for three months, baPWV in both groups was decreas ed , but the patients in group B had got more lower level than in group A (1426 .08±263.95cm/s vs 1586.60±396.45cm/s, P<0.05). The baPWV decreased mo re in group B than in group A(306.85±259.26cm/s vs 132.45±138.42cm/s, P <0.001). Conclusions There was diminished arterial elasticity in elder patients with primary hyp ertension, the arterial elastic got some recovered after 3 month's antihypertens ive therapy. The arterial elasticity was improved more with irbesatan than withFelodipine sustaind_release tablet. ......
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