中图分类号:R544.1 文献标识 码:A 文章编号:1009_816X(2010)03_0183_03The Relationship between Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification and Retinal Vasc ulopathy in Hypertension Patients. ZHANG Zhi_yong, YAO Ke, CAO Yong_bao, et al. Eye Center, Affiliated Second Hospi tal, College of Medicine, Zhejiang Univ ersity, Zhejiang 310009, China
[Abstract] ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between coronary artery calciu m quantification and retinal vasculopathy in hypertension patients.MethodsFund us images and 64_slice CT coronary artery angiography were taken in 98 hypertens ion patients without diabetes. The changes of hypertension retinopathy includingretinal arteriolar focal narrowing, arteriovenous nicking, and coronary arterycalcium quantification were analyzed.Results The coronary artery calcium quanti fication was significantly increased with retinal arteriolar focal narrowing andarteriovenous nicking (P<0.01) in hypertension patients. The more retinal arter iolar focal narrowing and arteriovenous nicking became, the more coronary arterycalcium quantification was (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis indicated tha t the grade of retinal arteriolar focal narrowing was related to the length of h ypertension history, the level of diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride, choles terol, and the score of coronary artery calcium. After adjusting history of hype rtension, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride and cholesterol, the grade of r etinal arteriolar focal narrowing was correlated to the score of coronary arterycalcium.Conclusions The grade of retinal arteriolar focal narrowing was correl ated with the score of coronary artery calcification. ......
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