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http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 《心脑血管病防治》 2010年第4期
     中图分类号:R446.1 文献标 识码:A 文章编号:1009_816X(2010)04_0272_04


    Investigation of Serum Non_high Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Hangzhou Occu pational Population. YU Xiao_mei, XIE Hai_bao, BI Qi_hua, et al. Department ofClinical laboratory, Zhejiang Hospital, Zhejiang 310013, China

    [Abstract] ObjectiveTo observe the serum level of non_high density lipoproteincholesterol (non_HDLC), and to evaluate the relationship between non_HDLC and a therosclerosis in Hangzhou occupational population.Methods11668 people (7369males, 4299 females) who took physical examination in our hospital during 2006.1 _2007.6 were detected the fast serum levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycer ide (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL_C) and low density lipopro tein cholesterol (LDL_C) according to standard operating procedure. And thennon_HDLC and atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) were calculated according to theformulae non_HDL_C =TC-HD_C and AIP=log(TG/HDL_C). Statistical analysis was pe rformed to evaluate the correlation between non_HDLC and atherosclerosis.Results There was a significant difference of LDL_C between by direct assay and by Fr iedewald formula calculation (P<0.001). When TG<4.5mmol/L and TG without group i ng, LDL_C calculated by Friedewald formula was higher than that by direct assay.When TG≧4.5mmol/L, LDL_C calculated by Friedewald formula was obviously lowe rthan that by direct assay. Non_HDLC was more closely related to AIP than LDL_Cas comparing TC and TG on different levels.Conclusions Non_HDLC was more clos ely related to AIP, and it could be used to judge the chanciness of atherosclero sis. Therefore, we suggest that the value of non_HDLC and AIP should be combinedon analyzing routine blood fat to elevate the accuracy of artherosclerosis eval uation and non_HDLC as the second target in blood fat treatment. ......
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