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http://www.100md.com 2014年2月1日 中国医药实践杂志 2014年第2期
     摘要:目的 研究原发性肠脂垂炎超声诊断。方法 对一例具有超声检查并临床证实为原发性肠脂垂炎病例进行回顾性分析。结果 超声声像图表现为偏高回声团块,呈椭圆形,边界清,彩色多普勒包块内未见血流。结论 原发性肠脂垂炎超声表现有其特征性,结合临床可作出诊断,避免不必要的手术治疗及过量的抗菌药物治疗。


    Ultrasonography in the diagnosis of primary epiploic appendagitis(literatiure review and one casereport) Lu Shouyin,Jiang Hua,Luo Aiqin,et al

    The Special Diagnostic Division,the 91th Hospital of PLA,Jiaozuo454003China

    Abstract:Objective To investigate and improve the ultrasound diagnosis of primary epiploic appendagitis.Methods we retrospected analyzed a primary epiploic appendagitis case with ultrasound and clinnical diagnosis.Results the ultrasonic imaged the highecho , oval, boundary clear mass;doppler found no blood in the mass. Conclusion the diagnosis of primary primary epiploic appendagitis can be made according to its characteristicultrasonicperformance and clinical expressions, avoid unnecessary surgical treatment and excessive antibacterial drug therapy.

    Key words: primary epiploic appendagitisultrasound

    原发性肠脂垂炎通常认为是一种无菌性自限性疾病[1] ......
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