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http://www.100md.com 2013年8月1日 《好家长·青春期教育》 20138
     【Source】 A Letter to Chen Bozhi, written by Qiu Chi (464-508) in the Southern Dynasties (420-589).


    【Interpretation】Used to describe becoming aware of one’s errors and turning back from the wrong path.


    During the Southern Dynasties,Chen Bozhi was the governor of Jiangzhou (in today’s Jiangxi Province) in the Southern Qi. After the fall of the Southern Qi, he served for Liang at the same post. In the year of 502, Chen Bozhi rose to revolt against Liang. Having been defeated, he had to go to the Northern Wei for shelter.


    In the year of 505, the Liang emperor ordered his brother Xiao Hong (473-526) to lead a northern expedition. The Liang army confronted Chen Bozhi’s troops in Shouyang (in today’s Shanxi Province). Xiao Hong then asked a litterateur named Qiu Chi (464-508) to write a letter to Chen Bozhi to persuade him to surrender, making it clear that Liang would forgive Chen Bozhi’s past betrayals.


    In the letter to Chen Bozhi, Qiu Chi wrote, “The ancients appreciated those who became aware of their errors and turned back from the wrong path. And in the classic works, people were able to correct their own mistakes before it got too late.”


    After reading this letter, Chen Bozhi was deeply moved. Also considering that Liang's army was much stronger, and it would be hard to have a prolonged battle with Liang, Chen Bozhi made up his mind to turn back to Liang with his army of eight thousand soldiers.

    陈伯之读了这封信后,大受感动,加上萧宏所率的梁军实力雄厚,难以与之久战,陈伯之思虑再三后,率八千兵马重新归梁。, 百拇医药