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http://www.100md.com 2013年8月1日 《现代养生·下半月》 2013年第8期
     【摘 要】剖宫产术后由于产妇长时间卧床,下肢活动减少至下肢血流缓慢以及血液处于高凝状态等高危因素的存在,常易并发下肢深静脉栓塞,应早期诊治。本文就剖宫产术下肢静脉栓塞的诱因、护理及预防措施现状进行了研究和分析。


    【Abstract】Because of maternal cesarean prolonged bed rest, reduced activity and lower extremity limb blood flow is slow and the blood is hypercoagulable state such as the presence of risk factors, often complicated by deep venous thrombosis which should be early diagnosis and treatment.In this paper, cesarean section venous thrombosis incentives ......
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