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[16] WATANABE K,KASHIWAGI K,KAMIYAMA T,et al.High-dose remifentanil suppresses stress response associated with pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic colectomy[J].Journal of Anesthesia, 2014,28(3):334-340.
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[2020-09-23收稿], 百拇医药(唐菁 张树波 李亮 周帅)
[11] 刘璇,滕金亮.右美托咪定应用于围术期镇痛的研究进展[J].神经药理学报,2019,9(6):41-46.
[12] 林莹,陈彦青,戴双波.舒芬太尼复合右美托咪定妇科腔镜手术术后镇痛效果观察[J].临床麻醉学杂志,2011,27(7): 690-692.
[13] NGUYEN V,TIEMANN D,PARK E,et al.Alpha-2 agonists[J].Anesthesiology Clinics,2017,35(2): 233-245.
[14] RUSCHEWEYH R,SANDKüHLER J.Differential actions of spinal analgesics on mono-versus polysynaptic Adelta-fibre-evoked field potentials in superficial spinal dorsal horn in vitro[J].Pain,2000, 88(1):97-108.
[15] SHARMILA A,SANGEETA Y,NANDITA J,et al.Efficacy of caudal fentanyl and ketamine on post-operative pain and neuroendocrine stress response in children undergoing infraumbilical and perineal surgery: A pilot study [J].Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology,2015,31(1):104-109.
[16] WATANABE K,KASHIWAGI K,KAMIYAMA T,et al.High-dose remifentanil suppresses stress response associated with pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic colectomy[J].Journal of Anesthesia, 2014,28(3):334-340.
[17] WANG X W,CAO J B,LV B S,et al.Effect of perioperative dexmedetomidine on the endocrine modulators of stress response:a meta-analysis[J].Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology, 2015,42(8):828-836.
[2020-09-23收稿], 百拇医药(唐菁 张树波 李亮 周帅)