【摘要】目的 探讨胸外心脏按压质量指标之间的相互关系,明确高品质胸外心脏按压的培训及操作的要点。方法 使用Laerdal ACLS高级生命支持模型人(200—05050)对219名医护人员进行心肺复苏培训,利用Laerdal ?计算机技能报告系统监测临床医护人员进行胸外心脏按压时的按压定位、按压频率、按压深度、胸壁回弹率,以及操作者自觉疲劳时间,并对各因素进行描述及相关性分析。结果 胸外心脏按压的质量指标与操作者的性别相关,男性的自觉疲劳时间、按压深度的正确率、按压频率和按压频率正确率均高于女性,但胸壁回弹率低于女性;胸外心脏按压的各个质量指标之间相互相关,其中自觉疲劳时间与除按压频率以外的所有质量指标相关。结论 应定期对临床医护人员进行胸外心脏按压的操作培训。在进行胸外心脏按压临床实践操作时,建议在操作者感觉疲劳前换人,尤其对于体弱或女性操作者应缩短换人时间。在培训中,应着重培训操作者对按压频率的控制,要适当控制按压的频率来保证按足够的按压深度,延缓操作者疲劳的产生,从而来提高胸外心脏按压的质量。
, 百拇医药
Study of the correlations between chest compression quality items ZHANG Feng—ling, YAN Li,HUANG Su—fang, BAI Xiang—jun. Department of Emergency,Tongji Hospital Affilitated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China
Corresponding author: HUANG Su—fang,Email:13995636971@163.com
【Abstract】Objective To explore the relationship between quality items of chest compression for resuscitation of cardiac arrest and to identify the key points in chest compression training and practice. Method The training project was offered to 219 healthcare workers by using Laerdal ACLS advanced life support resuscitation model, and the quality issues of chest compression were monitored including compression hands placement, compression rate, compression depth, and chest wall recoil, as well as self—reported fatigue time by Laerdal Computer Skills and Reporting System. Results The quality of chest compression was related to the gender of the practitioner. The items in males including self—reported fatigue time,the accuracy of compression depth and the compression rate, the accuracy of compression rate were higher than those in females. However, the chest recoil rate was higher in females than that in males. The quality items of chest compression were correlated with one another. The self—reported fatigue time was related to all the items except the compression rate. Conclusions It is necessary to offer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training courses regularly. In clinical practice, it might be better to change the practitioner before fatigue, especially for female or weak practitioners. In training projects, more attention should be paid to the control of compression rate, in order to delay the fatigue, guarantee enough compression depth and improve the quality of chest compression.
【Key words】Chest compression;Quality items;Compression hands placement;Compression rate; Compression depth;Chest wall recoil;Fatigue time; Correlation, http://www.100md.com(张凤玲 严丽 黄素芳 白祥军)
, 百拇医药
Study of the correlations between chest compression quality items ZHANG Feng—ling, YAN Li,HUANG Su—fang, BAI Xiang—jun. Department of Emergency,Tongji Hospital Affilitated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China
Corresponding author: HUANG Su—fang,Email:13995636971@163.com
【Abstract】Objective To explore the relationship between quality items of chest compression for resuscitation of cardiac arrest and to identify the key points in chest compression training and practice. Method The training project was offered to 219 healthcare workers by using Laerdal ACLS advanced life support resuscitation model, and the quality issues of chest compression were monitored including compression hands placement, compression rate, compression depth, and chest wall recoil, as well as self—reported fatigue time by Laerdal Computer Skills and Reporting System. Results The quality of chest compression was related to the gender of the practitioner. The items in males including self—reported fatigue time,the accuracy of compression depth and the compression rate, the accuracy of compression rate were higher than those in females. However, the chest recoil rate was higher in females than that in males. The quality items of chest compression were correlated with one another. The self—reported fatigue time was related to all the items except the compression rate. Conclusions It is necessary to offer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training courses regularly. In clinical practice, it might be better to change the practitioner before fatigue, especially for female or weak practitioners. In training projects, more attention should be paid to the control of compression rate, in order to delay the fatigue, guarantee enough compression depth and improve the quality of chest compression.
【Key words】Chest compression;Quality items;Compression hands placement;Compression rate; Compression depth;Chest wall recoil;Fatigue time; Correlation, http://www.100md.com(张凤玲 严丽 黄素芳 白祥军)