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http://www.100md.com 2006年11月2日 《心理科学进展》 2006年第1期
     [18] 韩晓峰. 大学生自我同一性与心理健康水平关系的研究. 人口学刊, 2004, 1: 34~39

    [19] 郭金山, 车文博. 大学生自我同一性状态与人格特征的相关研究. 心理发展与教育, 2004, (2): 51~55

    Theory and Research of Ego Identity

    Zhou Hongmei,Guo Yongyu

    (Department of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)

    Abstract: Erikson is the first person who advanced the problem of ego-identity. And he also described it from many perspectives. But he didn’t do empirical research into it. However, Marcia found 2 dimensions from the complex ego identity so that people can do empirical research into ego identity. Later, many studies attributed the development of identity to personal factors, which made it difficult to explain regression. So people found that contextual factors were also factors which affect the development of ego identity. Now many researchers acknowledge that personal and contextual factors both affect the development of ego identity. And some of them have put forward some theoretical models. At the same time, other researchers hope to explore the relationship between ego identity and other constructs. And in the future, the construct validity of ego identity and its development mechanism, and the relationship between ego identity and other constructs will still be hot topics.

    Key words: ego identity, exploration, commitment, regression.

    [ 上 页 ], 百拇医药(周红梅 郭永玉)
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