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http://www.100md.com 2006年11月2日 《心理科学进展》 2006年第2期
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, 百拇医药     Comparing and Integrating Cultural Psychology with Across-Cultural Psychology

    Li Bingquan

    (Educational Department, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing 526061, China)

    Abstract: Both of cultural psychology and across-cultural psychology were products of the cultural turn of psychology and took account of the study of culture and called for taking culture into the sphere of psychological research. There were many similarities between them, but there existed some difference in essence. Across-cultural psychology ameliorated scientist psychology on condition that didn’t negate its basic principles or presumptions, but cultural psychology was antithesis to it, which denied the hard-core of scientist psychology from its foundation. In fact, each of them had their respective advantages and limitations, therefore, they should be integrated in psychological research in order that they would learn from other strong points to offset one's weaknesses each other and advance together.

    Key words: cultural psychology, across-cultural psychology, culture.

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