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http://www.100md.com 2006年11月2日 《心理科学进展》 2006年第5期

    [1] Wulsin L R, Vaillant G E. Wells V E.A systematic review of the mortality of depression. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1999, 61(1): 6~17

    [2] Kessler R C, Berglund P. Demler O, Jin R, Koretz D, Merikangas K R. The epidemiology of major depressive disorder: Results from the national comorbidity survey replication, JAMA, 2003,289(23): 3095~3105

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    [4] Ingram R E, Luxton D D. Vulnerability-stress models. In: B. L. Hankin, J. R. Z. Abela, Development of psychopathology: A vulnerability-stress perspective. New York, Sage Publications, Ins. 2005. 32~46

    [5] Kim J J, Diamond D M. The stressed hippocampus, synaptic plasticity and lost memories. Nature Review. Neurosci. 2002, 3: 453~462

    [6] Monroe S M ......
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