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http://www.100md.com 2010年7月1日 《家庭医药·医药论坛》 2010年第7期
     【摘要】目的:研究高血压脑出血患者的最佳手术时机。方法:回顾性分析经手术治疗的高血压脑出血患者80例。结果:1.两组患者的近期疗效和远期疗效有显著差异(P<0.05)2.两组患者再出血率无明显差异(P>0.05)。 结论:对于高血压脑出血患者,根据CT值测定行微创清除术,能够提高临床疗效,但并不能减少再出血率。


    中图分类号:R743文献标识码:B 文献编号:1671-4954(2010)07-465-03


    Analysis on time for micropuncture to treat hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage

    TANG Wei-kai

    (neurosurgeryGuilinProvincial People's Hospital,GuilinGuang xi 541002,China)

    【Abstract】Objective:To reserarch on patients with hypertensive intracerebral cerebral hemorrhage surgical right time. Methods:Retrospective anaylsis of 80 patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage by surgical treatment. Results:1. There were significant differents in the FAM and the Barthel between both the groups after the treatment. But not before the treatment. 2.There are not significantdifferents in the postoperative hemorrhage rate between both the groups. Conclusion:The group of the average CT density of hematoma is beneficial for clinical effects. But can not reduce the rate of postoperative hemorrhage ......
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