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http://www.100md.com 2015年5月1日 《健康之路(医药研究)》 2015年第5期
     【摘要】 如何采取正确的护理措施以减少产褥期因护理不当引起的并发症及相关疾病,正确的护理措施对母婴的健康至关重要,论文就产褥期的常见问题及护理做了进一步探讨。


    Abstract:How to adopt the right nursing measures to reduce the puerperal complications caused by improper care and related diseases. Proper care is crucial for maternal and infant health. In this paper, the common problems and nursing care in puerperium is discussed in depth.

    Keywords:Puerperal women; Mind and body; nursing

    【中图分类号】R4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1671-8801(2015)05-0005-02

    产褥期是指产妇全身各器官除乳腺外从胎盘娩出至恢复或接近正常未孕状态所需的时期 ......

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