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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月1日 《中国医院建筑与装备》 2011年第6期
     摘 要:洁净手术部作为医院最重要的医疗场所之一,在医院建设过程中受到愈来愈多的重视。如何使其更好地服务于病患,服务于医者,需要医院的建设者有清晰的自身定位。文章从洁净手术部的布局、设置数量、净化级别、配置设备、材料选择与施工事宜、使用培训6个方面详细阐述了洁净手术部的建设要点。

    关键词:洁净手术部 建设 配置

    Abstract:As one of the most important medical facility in the hospital, clean operating department receives increased attention in the construction of hospital. Hospital builders need to have a clear position to make clean operating department better serve the patients and the doctors. This paper describes the construction of clean operating department from layout, quantity setting, purification level, device configuration, materials selection and construction matters, and the use of training.

    Keywords: Clean operating department Building Configuration

    洁净手术部作为医院的核心和重点,不仅是展现医院最高医疗技术水平的场所,也是体现医院管理水平的重要平台 ......

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