【摘 要】 随着中小学性教育的推动和发展,对中小学教师性教育素养的关注成为当前学校性教育研究的重要内容。性教育素养是教师进行性教育活动应该具有的专门素养,中小学教师在性教育素养方面存在着对性教育的认识模糊、进行性教育的知识不足、能力不够等问题,提升中小学教师的性教育素养就需要进行职前教育、加强职后培养、建立中小学教师性教育素养提升的长效保障机制。【关键词】 中小学教师; 性教育素养; 素养提升
Sex education qualification of primary and middle school teachers
CAO Hongmei1, HU Zhen2
1 Office of Teaching Affairs, Sichuan College of Science and Arts, Sichuan635000, China
2 Normal School of Chendu University, Sichuan 635000, China
【Abstract】Sex education qualification is a specialized qualification for teachers to conduct sex education. Primary and middle school teachers are weak in the qualification due to their vague understanding of sex education, their insufficient sex health knowledge and their inadequate ability in conducting sex education. The promotion of teachers' qualification requires the reinforcement of pre-teach and post-teach training, and the corresponding long-term promotion mechanism.
【Key words】 Primary and middle school teachers; Sex education qualification; Qualification promotion
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