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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月1日 《中国性科学》 2012年第1期
     【摘 要】 目的:了解当代大学生婚前性行为的现状,分析他们对婚前性行为的态度和认知,为开展性健康教育和研究提供基础材料。方法:通过网络采用无记名方式问卷调查了512大学生。结果:调查发现,14.5%的被调查者发生过婚前性行为,与过去调查结果相比明显增加。66.2%的学生认为婚前性行为应慎重为好,但男女态度有所差异,男生较为主动,在性行为上处于主导地位。结论:应当加强性健康教育,同时加强对网络信息的管理,净化社会环境。

    【关键词】 婚前性行为; 性态度; 大学生

    Survey of premarital sexual behavior and attitudes among university students

    HUANG Yina, ZHANG Mingqing, JIANG Jianping

    College of Life Science, Fujian Normal University, Fujian Fuzhou 350108, China

    【Abstract】 Objectives: To understand the current situation and attitude about premarital sexual behavior among contemporary college students, so as to provide the basis material and information for sexual health education and further research. Methods: Data were collected by the anonymous questionnaire through internet, and the total number of valid return was 512. Results: The survey found that about 14.5% college students had premarital sexual experience, which increased evidently than in the past. 66.2% of the students thought sex before marriage should be discreet, but there were more different between men and women ......
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