当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《心血管病防治知识》 > 2011年第2期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2011年2月1日 梁棕 陈昌南 林云笑 潘岐作 苏铭俊 张呈 朱家康 谢峰



    【关键词】心电监护;紫杉醇/化疗 ;安全性 ;临床意义

    The Clinical Significance of Extension of ECG Monitoring Time to The Safety of Paclitaxel Chemotherapy (Report of 120 cases)

    Liang Zong1 Chen Changnan2 Lin Yunxiao2 et al.

    【Abstract】To explore whether more safety and necessity in the course of chemotherapy including paclitaxel in patients with extension of ECG monitoring time. Methods: ECG monitoring for 24 hours(conventional care was only 3 hours) during medication in 120 cases with chemotherapy including paclitaxel, three hours for a statistical interval, the incidence and clinical symptoms of arrhythmia, abnormal electrocardiogram, and hypotension were observed. Results: The incidence of arrhythmia (bradycardia mainly), abnormal electrocardiogram (ST segment mainly), hypotension was decreased with time. In the first three hours, there were 26 cases with arrhythmia (21.67%), 12 cases with ST changes (10.00%), 28 cases with hypotension (23.33%), and individual patients with corresponding clinical symptoms. From the third hour to 24 hours, there were a total of 13 cases with arrhythmia (10.83%), 10 cases with ST changes (8.33%), and 20 cases with hypotension (16.67%). Conclusion: There were clinical significance in the course of chemotherapy including paclitaxel in patients with extension of ECG monitoring time, It could be found complications such as arrhythmia, ECG abnormality and hypotension within 24 hours in time, and reducing medical risks. 

    【Key words】ECG;paclitaxel/chemotherapy;safety;clinical significance

    【中图分类号】R730.53 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-3015(2011)02-0034-02


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料:120例中,男70例,女50例,最大年龄78岁,最小18岁,平均56岁,胃癌20例、肺癌38例、食管癌10例、乳腺癌22例、头颈癌10例、卵巢癌10例。均临床确诊并符合进入含紫杉醇方案化疗的患者,本组病例不包含化疗前已确诊心脏病或心肺功能不全患者。

    1.2 方法:所有入组患者,从开始应用紫杉醇即行心电监护(包括血压、呼吸、心律、血氧饱和度和标等导联心电图等项目),每3h作为一统计时段(注:因为平常临床上只在用药头3h作监测),一直到24h结束,分段统计各阶段异常临床表现发生率情况。

    1.3 统计学分析:采用SAS统计软件进行分析,均以比率作比较。

    2 结果 


    3 讨论

    3.1 紫杉醇(Taxol、Paclitaxel、简称简称PTX)是一种新的抗微管肿瘤化疗药物,为特异性对G2和M期细胞敏感周期特异性新药[1 ......
