中图分类号:R657.4文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1672-3783(2008)-7-0024-02
【摘 要】目的 探讨胆囊复杂病例的腹腔镜治疗。方法 回顾分析2004年1月至2006年1月应用腹腔镜行胆囊复杂性病例切除138例。结果 138例未发生胆管、血管、周围脏器损伤。结论 熟练掌握与胆道手术相关解剖知识及腔镜下组织结构清楚暴露和避免热损伤技巧,是防止胆管、血管及周围脏器损伤的关键。
【关键词】腹腔镜胆囊切除术 复杂性病例
LaparoscopicCholecystectomyforComplexGallbladder Disease
HE Zhi-chun,ZHOU Hua
NanBu ZhongRen Hospital,Nan Ba 637300,Sichuan,China
【Abstract】Objective To detect the outcome of laparoscopic choleystectomy for complex gallbladder disease.Methods Form 1.2004 to 1.2006.Laparoscopic choleystectomy were performed for 138 cases with complex gallbladder diease.Results No patients were injured with blood vessel、biolgy and the biliary fract.Conclusions The outcome can be achieved by anatomy study of the biliary tract and technique expose tissue under laparoscopy and avoid hot injury.
【Key words】laparoscopiccholecystectomy;Complex gallbladder disease.
我院自2004年1月至2006年1月 ......
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