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http://www.100md.com 2009年8月1日 黄和文 彭向理 解士海 黄 克 黄小雄 王 丽 钟金城



    文献标识码: A

    文章编号: 1672-3783(2009)-08-0003-02

    【摘要】目的 调查惠州市中学生寻常痤疮(acne)与糠秕孢子菌毛囊炎(PF)患病患病率及影响因素。方法 随机选取2337名惠州中学生,调查寻常痤疮及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎患病率,并设计调查表研究其影响因素。结果 2337名中学生中,寻常痤疮患病率为36.5%(852/2337),糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎患病率为19.9%(467/2337),共患寻常痤疮与糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎患病率为4.5%(106/2337)。喜食甜食、油腻食物、饮料、零食以及有这两种病家族史的中学生寻常痤疮及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎患病率升高。结论 惠州中学生中寻常痤疮及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎患病率较高,影响其生活,忌食甜食、油腻食物、饮料、零食有助于减少寻常痤疮及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎在中学生中发病率。


    Survey on Prevalences of Acne Vulgaris and Pityrosporum Folliculitis

    and Influence Factors in Huizhou High-school Students

    HUANG He-wen,PENG Xiang-li,XIE Shi-hai,et al

    HuiZhou Hospital of Dermatology,HuiZhou 516001,Guangdong,P.R.China

    【Abstract】Objective To investigate the prevalences of acne vulgaris and pityrosporum folliculitis and influence factors in Huizhou high-school students. Methods 2337 Huizhou high-school students were randomly choosed. A questionaire was disigned to investigate the prevalences of acne vulgaris and pityrosporum folliculitis and influence factors among them. Results The prevalence of acne vulgaris or pityrosporum folliculitis is 36.5%(852/2337)or 19.9%(467/2337) respectively. While the prevalence of the acne vulgaris and pityrosporum folliculitis(together affected in one) is 4.5%(106/2337). The incidence of the acne vulgaris or pityrosporum folliculitis increased when the students have a predilection of sweet food, oily food, soft drinks, snacks and have a family history of these two diseases. Conclusion The high prevalences of acne vulgaris and pityrosporum folliculitis in Huizhou high school students suggets that the two diseases have influenced the routine life of high-school students in Huizhou. The incidencs of the two diseases will decrease if the students retrieve the predilection of sweet food, oily food, soft drinks and snacks.

    【Key words】Acne vulgaris;Pityrosporum folloculitis;Prevalence;Influence factor; Huizhou;High-school student


    1 材料与方法

    1.1 调查对象 本研究共调查了惠州市内两所中学在读13~18岁学生2337名,其中男生1251名,女生1086名,平均年龄16.7岁。

    1.2 内容与方法

    1.2.1 寻常痤疮以及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎诊断按照临床皮肤病学中相关内容为依据。

    1.2.2 糠秕孢子菌检测 按皮疹分类(丘疹性、脓疱性、结节性或囊肿性)进行毛囊内容物直接镜检,真菌培养及病理检查。直接镜检,每例患者选取3处典型毛囊性丘脓疱疹,用75%酒精棉球消毒后,刮去毛囊脓疱或用痤疮挤压器挤出毛囊内容物与载玻片上,用单染色法复红染液着色15秒,待干后用油镜下观察;真菌培养,用上法每例选取丘脓疱或结节囊肿性内容物接种于含菜子油的沙堡氏培养基37℃培养[4];病理检查,每例患者选取1个典型毛囊性丘疹或丘脓疱疹,常规消毒后,以环钻取材制片,PAS染色,在油镜下观察圆形或卵圆形芽生孢子菌。

    1.2.3 设计调查表 对受调查者一般资料(姓名、年龄等)以及一些可能影响寻常痤疮及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎发病的因素(饮食习惯,相关家族史,睡眠情况等)进行调查 ......
